Using External Travel Data to Enhance Car Rental Revenue Management Strategies

Savvy car rental operators are realizing that while competitive pricing intelligence is critical, market demand forecasting is equally vital. The ability to foresee fluctuations in demand helps plan resources, promotions, and revenue management strategies more effectively. Modern car rental companies are incorporating external travel and hospitality data into their revenue management systems (RMS) to better identify demand signals and optimize their revenue management processes. Let’s take a look at how car rental companies are utilizing data from flights, hotels, and events to refine their demand forecasting, dynamic pricing, and inventory…

Little & often. The winning strategy for hotel pricing

Little & often. The winning strategy for hotel pricing

Understanding local competitor pricing is a fundamental component of a successful hotel’s revenue strategy. However, the pivotal distinction between an average financial year and an exceptional one lies in the strategic application of this data. It is imperative for hotel owners, managers, and revenue managers to transcend merely observing trends and instead interpret the actionable opportunities these insights provide. For instance, a hotelier may recognize that June through August represents their peak season and adjust pricing upwards accordingly. Conversely, they may decrease rates during the quieter months of October and…