Marketing Playbook

Marketing Playbook

A well-thought-out and executed marketing plan is an essential element of any successful business. However, it can be a daunting prospect for many hotel managers to start planning their marketing efforts. This is why we have put together the “Hotel Manager Marketing Playbook.” Our step-by-step guide highlights the key focus areas you need to consider when building your marketing plan. Key areas covered include Whether looking to launch your marketing campaign or refresh an existing strategy, our Marketing Playbook is a great resource that will help you on the path…

Events generate over $1 trillion worth of demand globally each year – are you missing out, though?

Events generate over $1 trillion

Imagine being able to see into the future. It might sound like an impossible superpower, but it’s exactly what Aggregate Intelligence is helping the travel and hospitality sector do daily. If you speak to any revenue and pricing professional or hotel manager in the world, many will share the same sentiment about demand fluctuations. They are a real challenge to proactively and accurately respond to. Through inaccurate forecasting, millions of dollars are lost annually, with pricing strategies ultimately coming down to guesswork for many. However, there is a solution to bypass…